Dow Hill, Kurseong - West Bengal

Dow Hill, Kurseong - West Bengal

Dow Hill,Kurseong is a small hill station situated in the Darjeeling state of West Bengal. It is at a 32 KMs from Darjeeling.The actual name of the place was Kharsang meaning “Land of the White Orchids” in the Lepcha language but over the time it changed and this town is now known as Kurseong. It has a pleasant climate for the entire year.Definitely it is a very calm and beautiful place for spending days peacefully. But this hill station has a dark side too.It has stories of murders and ghosts.

Victoria Boys High Schools
This place is a perfect destination for tourists seeking to spend some time in the hills. There are numerous religious sites, natural sites, museums and treks in Kurseong but despite all this, the one thing that attracts people here are the famous haunting tales. This town is over-shadowed by the nearby hill station of Darjeeling and majority of the people would just visit and return from Darjeeling. The only thing that makes people travel from Darjeeling to Kurseong is to find about more about the place that is listed as one of India’s most haunted.
Lets get to the point .Out of the many places believed to be haunted in Kurseong, the number one spot is definitely of Victoria Boys High School, located on Dow Hill. Surprisingly, this beautiful school is over 100 years old which would probably make it one of the oldest still functional schools in the country. Its foundation was laid by British in the year 1879. There are several stories about this school but all the incidents occur during the holiday season when the entire school is shut-down. People talk about how they still hear boys running and laughing in the corridors of the empty building. Some people mention seeing a boy standing at one of the windows, staring at them from the inside while the school was closed for holidays and there could not have been anyone inside. The most sinister story however is of a headless boy who haunts this school and many people claim to have seen it either on the premises or around the building of the school. 

 Another believed to be haunted spot in Kurseong is Dow Hill and the forest surrounding it. Our headless ghost seems to be present here as well however at Dow Hill he does more than just making an appearance. As per the locals, while walking alone on the roads at Dow Hill, several people found themselves being followed by the headless zombie. Later on this ghost would just disappear in the forest but would forever haunt the memories of the person who saw it. People talk about how anyone who ever saw this ghost would always had that feeling that they are being followed by someone or there is a pair of eyes looking at them at all times. This feeling would torment and depress the person so much that it would eventually lead to a suicide. Some of the other tales about the Dow Hill forest are the usual tales of people hearing voices, sightings of a woman in white, red eyes staring out of the dark and many more of ghost tales that you would usually hear about several other places, but the Administrator office denies all the fact & incident ever happened & they don't have any record of murder of suicides

Ghost or no ghost, the truth is that Kurseong is a peaceful town that has been made look sinister by the locals themselves. One thing that everyone overlooks is that this place is crowded with children, not only the ones that belong here but of other towns too, coming to attend school. These children walk down the same roads, spend their time in the same building but have never been bother, hurt or killed by any ghost ever.


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